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Skills Lab VI







Matakuliah Pra/Kosyarat

Skills Lab II (P), Skills Lab III (P), Skills lab IV (P), Skills Lab V (P)

Deskripsi Mata Ajar

Matakuliah ini bertujuan memberikan skills lab (ketrampilan klinis) meliputi komunikasi antar profesi, injeksi, pemasangan infus, basic life support (BLS), immobilisasi fraktur, insersi dan ekstraksi intrauterine device (IUD).

Standar Kompetensi


Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah

Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu melakukan skills lab (ketrampilan klinis) komunikasi antar profesi, injeksi, pemasangan infus, basic life support (BLS), immobilisasi fraktur, insersi dan ekstraksi intrauterine device (IUD).

Topik Bahasan

1. Komunikasi antar profesi
2. Injeksi
3. Pemasangan infus
4. Basic life support (BLS)
5. Immobilisasi fraktur
6. Insersi dan ekstraksi IUD

Acuan Wajib

1. Bickley L. S., Szilagyi. 2003. Bale's Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 8th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott William and Wilkins.
2. Bosker, Gideon. 2002. Primary and Acute Care Medicine: Practice, Protocols, Pathways. Atlanta: American Health Consultant.
3. Cecil. 1992. Textbook of Medicine. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Comp.
4. Kathryn A. Morton [et al.]. 2007. Diagnostic Imaging Nuclear Medicine.
5. Keith C. Stone, Roger L. Humphries. 2005. Current essentials of emergency medicine.
6. Rakel B. 2005. Conn's Current Therapy. Elsevier Saunders.
7. Robbins. 1994. Pathologic Basis of Desease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
8. Sue E. Huether, Kathryn L. Mccance. 2008. Understanding Pathophysiology.

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